NOTAP game stats
NOTAP stats & ranks
HoF 03/2002
HoF 02/2002
HoF 01/2002
HoF 12/2001
HoF 11/2001
HoF 10/2001
HoF 09/2001
HoF 08/2001
HoF 07/2001
HoF 06/2001
HoF 05/2001
HoF 04/2001
HoF 03/2001
HoF 02/2001
HoF 01/2001
HoF 12/2000
to Squadleader
Last update:
04/01/2002 6:07 PM
You will see who is the best of the best of the best ............
Nomen est omen, he is EVIL! And he plays very loud music on his
MM1. He is also a high skilled artist, his banner are some of
the finest to find around. Now he starts also with mapping. And
his maps like himself...EVIL! Sometimes he comes in with some
mates, thats means Hell on Earth. Please visit ~BSE~ over the
link page.
Now the highest decorated red warrior on the NOTAP Killer page!
We make a lot of special medals only for him.
~BSE~EvilK was the first red
Lieutenant General!
The Col_D_Tylor, a man like a storm. Fight for his mission and
never stops. Defends his targets with bullets, knife and hands.
It was a hard run, head to head with the Routine. But we fire
salut for the Col_D_Taylor. Welldone!
Goes on DFLW NOTAP HoF January 2001.
Col_D_Taylor 410 1119 2698
Goes on DFLW NOTAP HoF Februar 2001.
Col_D_Taylor 592 1706 2692
And now known as ColonelNOTAP!
Now he is on NOTAP HoF! With strong attacks
and the devasting ~BSE~ attack style.
"Brigadier General : "
BigQ aka QUMOK aka MoTAT goes finally on HoFoM and HoF!
Every games with BigQ is fun ( as nasty red and deadly blue Mercenary
too), every chat with him give me a smile or some new ideas. I
play with QUMOK since spring 2000, and he was alway a good fellow.
I guess everybody around in our little community of regulars like
Q retires also from BPoWC, and works as Mercenary on the Blue
side. He sends terror over he previous mates! NO mercy, NO pardon.
And now he starts with mapping for C4!
He is also active for the DeadPresidents, and is always busy
with some nasty stuff. Every games without BigQ is only half fun!
Since 8 months on HoFoM, and 1 year on NOTAP maps ladder games.
All the time know as Sniper #1 and now finally the HoFoM #1! Great
work Born, a medal you must wear with pride!
As i say last month, without update trouble and a full tour of
duty .......
PUDGE on top in the red team. He was now BPoW, and also won the
HoFoM and HoF.
Real great work here. Not only going better and
better by blowing targets, he is also a perfect ZOMBIE-Master.
On some games is seems so useless to kill a red, if PUDGE and
maybe some other medics too in game.
"Care me too Doc <PUDGE>, i cant sit anymore"
Shadow [SOF]
Shadow [SOF]
Shadow [SOF] was the other man from the DrD (Dynamic Red Duo).
In a team with the Colonel he was a great attacker. Now, with
the Colonel on the dark side, he fight for the red team like a
tiger. He plays the medic skill very well. And a lot of red players
was rescued by him. He has a nice collection of medals on the
Killer page. He is deadly like a shark under water. He ends the
3/2001 with 580 targets.He make 1073 kills and was send 2402 times
to HoE!
SniperWolf AMUN
The fastest and hardest attacker from all. Never stops, never
whining. He was the #1 on DF2 NOTAP HoF. He is the #1 on DFLW
NOTAP HoF December 2000. And so the first player with bronze star
on DFLW NOTAP HoF. He makes 107 Targets, send 771 other players
to hell and was 1771 times killed. A brave young man.
To go on this list a player must be #1 in the DFLW Hall of Fame ot the
month. The rank on this HoF is sorted by the numbers of bronze stars and